Trachycarpus winsan – 360° round leaves, Trachycarpus with almost round leaves.
A populair spieces in europe with almost 360° round stiff leaves. The Trachycarpus winsan is frost hardy and makes 5-8 leaves a year. It looks like an Trachycarpus fortunei but isn’t. People select and choosing them for their fantastic more slender look and leaves what is almost round. Also the seed branches are different compared with an normal Trachycarpus fortunei. More robust flower stalk with bigger seeds. Plant care is easy for this spieces. A perfect plant for a small garden of container plant. Speed of growth once in the ground it can grow more than 30 cm (1 ft.) of trunk per year. The Trachycarpus winsan is one or the best looking palms for your tropical garden. We protect our winsan by frost minus -13 by long periodes cold freezing days. Trachycarpus winsan is quite rare at the moment.
You buying healthy seedlings.
We import Trachycarpus winsan seeds from China. We have each year a big stock with over 10.000 seedlings. We always seaching Trachycarpus winsan and more seeds. Please contact us when you have pure Trachycarpus seeds for sale.
- Plant location: full sun / half shadow
- Watering: medium
- Frost hardy: yes -15 degrees
- Land of orgin: China
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